July 2023 - Stuart Bedasso Radio

A 24 hour internet radio station, creamy podcasting goodness, & juicy internet mayhem. Enjoy!


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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Capitalist Feminism

9:04 PM 0
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Don't not go see Barbie, but do we only accept feminism if it's wrapped in capitalism?  Dave was cheating on you with another podcast. Yeah, we're touting Cornel West for President.  Come at us, bro.  Can we get the kids stealing cars to chill or are they a lost generation?  If you're not visiting CoolCatsForChange.com are you really cool?


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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Don't Be A Scab!

4:11 PM 0
Download the Show Here:

A laid back show this week.  Something must be blowing through the jasmine in our minds.  Dr. Cornel West is in the running to be the Green Party's candidate for president and we are here for it.  And we may even be scheming around it.  (hint, hint)  Support ALL strikes!  Writers, actors, longshorepeople, dog groomers, whatevs.  Don't be a scab and don't cross a picket line.  Support us at www.StuartBedasso.com.


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Monday, July 17, 2023

Balls On A Stick

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Rise Up?

Monday, July 3, 2023
